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Enable HTTPS access in Zeppelin

I was using certified key file to enable HTTPS, if you use self-signatured key, see second part

First part:
I had got two files which one is  the private key named server.key and another one is certification file named server.crt
Use the following command to create a jks keystore file

openssl pkcs12 -export -in -inkey -out
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore -destkeystore -srcstoretype pkcs12

Second part:
Use self-signatured key

# Generate root key file and cert file, key file could be named key or pem, it's same.
openssl genrsa -out root.key(pem) 2048 # Generate root key file
openssl req -x509 -new -key root.key(pem) -out root.crt # Generate root cert file

# Generate client key and cert and csr file
openssl genrsa -out client.key(pem) 2048 # Generate client key file
openssl req -new -key client.key(pem) -out client.csr # Generate client cert request file
openssl x509 -req -in client.csr -CA root.crt -CAkey root.key(pem) -CAcreateserial -days 3650 -out client.crt # Use root cert to generate client cert file

# Generate server key and cert and csr file
openssl genrsa -out server.key(pem) 2048 # Generate server key file, use in Zeppelin
openssl req -new -key server.key(pem) out server.csr @ Generate server cert request file
openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA root.crt -CAkey root.key(pem) -CAcreateserial -days 3650 -out server.crt # Use root cert to generate server cert file

# Generate client jks file
openssl pkcs12 -export -in client.crt -inkey client.key(pem) -out client.pkcs12 # Package to pkcs12 format, must input a password, you should remember the password
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore client.pkcs12 -destkeystore client.jks -srcstoretype pkcs12 # The client password you just input at last step

# Generate server jks file
openssl pkcs12 -export -in server.crt -inkey server.key(pem) -out server.pkcs12 # Package to pkcs12 format, must input a password, you should remember the password
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore server.pkcs12 -destkeystore server.jks -srcstoretype pkcs12 # The server password you just input at last step

The server key, cert and jks are using to configure zeppelin, the client key, cert and jks are using to install into browser or your client access codes.
Then, make a directory to put the server things in it, such as

mkdir -p /etc/zeppelin/conf/ssl
cp server.crt server.jks /etc/zeppelin/conf/ssl

And then modify zeppelin-site.xml to enable https access

  <description>Server ssl port. (used when ssl property is set to true)</description>
  <description>Should SSL be used by the servers?</description>
  <description>Should client authentication be used for SSL connections?</description>
  <description>Path to keystore relative to Zeppelin configuration directory</description>
  <description>The format of the given keystore (e.g. JKS or PKCS12)</description>
  <value>password which you input on generating server jks step</value>
  <description>Keystore password. Can be obfuscated by the Jetty Password tool</description>

Then, all completed, and you can redirect 443 to 8443 by using iptables or other reverse proxy tools

How to use cloudera parcels manually

Cloudera Parcel is actually a compressed file format, it just a tgz file with some meta info, so we can simply untar it with command tar zxf xxx.parcel. So we have the capability to  extract multi version of hadoop in a single machine. It’s easy to make hadoop upgrade or  downgrade, only ln -s CDH symbol link to a specific version directory.

With understanding that, I can package a self-distributed parcel package with my patches, and use cloudera-manager to manage the cluster… That sounds good

Integrate pyspark and sklearn with distributed parallel running on YARN

Python is useful for data scientists, especially with pyspark, but it’s a big problem to sysadmins, they will install python 2.7+ and spark and numpy,scipy,sklearn,pandas on each node, well, because Cloudera said that. Wow, imaging this, You have a cluster with 1000+ nodes or even 5000+ nodes, although you are good at DevOPS tools such as puppet, fabric, this work still cost lot of time. Continue reading Integrate pyspark and sklearn with distributed parallel running on YARN

Spark read LZO file error in Zeppelin

Due to our dear stingy Party A  said they will add not any nodes to the cluster, so we must compress the data to reduce disk consumption. Actually  I like LZ4, it’s natively supported by hadoop, and the compress/decompress speed is good enough,  compress ratio is better than LZO. But, I must choose LZO finally, no reason.

Well, since we use Cloudera Manager to  install Hadoop and Spark, so it’s no error when read lzo file in command line, simply use as text file, Ex:

val data = sc.textFile("/user/dmp/miaozhen/ott/MZN_OTT_20170101131042_0000_ott.lzo")

But in zeppelin, it will told me: native-lzo library not available, WTF?

Well, Zeppelin is a self-run environment, it will read its configuration only, do not read any other configs, Ex: it will not try to read /etc/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf . So I must wrote all spark config such as you wrote them in spark-deafults.conf.

In our cluster, the Zeppelin conf looks like this:

Troubleshooting on Zeppelin with keberized cluster

We’ve updated Zeppelin from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1, still work with kerberized hadoop cluster, we use some interpreters in zeppelin, not all. And I wanna write some troubleshooting records with this awesome webtool. BTW: I can write a webtool better than this 1000 times, such as phpHiveAdmin, basically I can see the map/reduce prograss bar Continue reading Troubleshooting on Zeppelin with keberized cluster

Use kerberized Hive in Zeppelin

We deployed Apache Zeppelin 0.7.0 for the Kerberos secured Hadoop cluster, and my dear colleague cannot use it correctly, so I have to find out why he can’t use anything in Zeppelin, except shell command.

I start with Kerberized Hive Continue reading Use kerberized Hive in Zeppelin

Troubleshooting kerberized hive issues

Today, my colleagues want to use hive in zeppelin, it’s the first time to use hive in this new kerberized cluster, and unfortunately there was an authenticate issue of using hive. So I have to debug on it.

The hive client was installed hadoop-client and hive and put all the needed keytabs in config dirs and set the right permission of their all, but still could not connect to the cluster. The log always shows authentication failed. Continue reading Troubleshooting kerberized hive issues

Enable Kerberos secured Hadoop cluster with Cloudera Manager

I created a secured Hadoop cluster for P&G with cloudera manager, and this document is to record how to enable kerberos secured cluster with cloudera manager. Firstly we should have a cluster that contains kerberos KDC and kerberos clients Continue reading Enable Kerberos secured Hadoop cluster with Cloudera Manager

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