Troubleshooting kerberized hive issues

Today, my colleagues want to use hive in zeppelin, it’s the first time to use hive in this new kerberized cluster, and unfortunately there was an authenticate issue of using hive. So I have to debug on it.

The hive client was installed hadoop-client and hive and put all the needed keytabs in config dirs and set the right permission of their all, but still could not connect to the cluster. The log always shows authentication failed. Continue reading Troubleshooting kerberized hive issues


以前很多业务都是用scribe做日志收集的支撑的,后来fb停止了对scribe的开发支持。而且scribe在机器上编译一次的代价太大了,各种坑,正好后来flume从1.3.0开始加入了对scribe的支持。就可以把原来scribe上面接入的数据转用flume收集了。虽然我很喜欢scribe,但是失去了官方支持毕竟还是很闹心的。 Continue reading 使用flume替代原有的scribe服务