jupyterlab and pyspark2 integration in 1 minute

As we use CDH 5.14.0 on our hadoop cluster, the highest spark version to be support is 2.1.3, so this blog is to record the procedure of how I install pyspark-2.1.3 and integrate it with jupyter-lab.

spark 2.1.3
CDH 5.14.0 – hive 1.1.0
Anaconda3 – python 3.6.8

  1. Add export to spark-env.sh
    export PYSPARK_PYTHON=/opt/anaconda3/bin/python
    export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=/opt/anaconda3/bin/jupyter-lab
    export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON_OPTS='  --ip= --port=8890'
  2. install sparkmagic
    pip install sparkmagic
  3. Use conda or pip command to downgrade ipykernel to 4.9.0, cause ipykernel 5.x doesn’t support sparkmagic, it will throw a Future exception.
  4. /opt/spark-2.1.3/bin/pyspark –master yarn

If you need to run with backgrand , use nohup.

if nessasery, add a kernel json at /usr/share/jupyter/kernels/pyspark2 or /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/pyspark2, with the content as
"argv": [
"display_name": "Python3.6+PySpark2.1",
"language": "python",
"env": {
"PYSPARK_PYTHON": "/opt/anaconda3/bin/python",
"SPARK_HOME": "/opt/spark-2.1.3-bin-hadoop2.6",
"HADOOP_CONF_DIR": "/etc/hadoop/conf",
"HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS": "-Xmx2147483648 -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true",
"PYTHONPATH": "/opt/spark-2.1.3-bin-hadoop2.6/python/lib/py4j-0.10.7-src.zip:/opt/spark-2.1.3-bin-hadoop2.6/python/",
"PYTHONSTARTUP": "/opt/spark-2.1.3-bin-hadoop2.6/python/pyspark/shell.py",
"PYSPARK_SUBMIT_ARGS": " --jars /opt/spark-2.1.3-bin-hadoop2.6/jars/greenplum-spark_2.11-1.6.2.jar --master yarn --deploy-mode client --name JuPysparkHub pyspark-shell",
"JAVA_HOME": "/opt/jdk1.8.0_141"

Another problem, in pyspark, sqlContext cannot access remote hivemetastore and without any exceptions, when i run show databases in pyspark, it always return me default. And then i found out, in spark2’s jars dir, there was a hive-exec-1.1.0-cdh5.14.0.jar, delete this jar file, everythings ok.

Troubleshooting on Zeppelin with keberized cluster

We’ve updated Zeppelin from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1, still work with kerberized hadoop cluster, we use some interpreters in zeppelin, not all. And I wanna write some troubleshooting records with this awesome webtool. BTW: I can write a webtool better than this 1000 times, such as phpHiveAdmin, basically I can see the map/reduce prograss bar Continue reading Troubleshooting on Zeppelin with keberized cluster