Troubleshooting kerberized hive issues

Today, my colleagues want to use hive in zeppelin, it’s the first time to use hive in this new kerberized cluster, and unfortunately there was an authenticate issue of using hive. So I have to debug on it.

The hive client was installed hadoop-client and hive and put all the needed keytabs in config dirs and set the right permission of their all, but still could not connect to the cluster. The log always shows authentication failed. Continue reading Troubleshooting kerberized hive issues


公司基础架构这边想提取慢作业和获悉资源浪费的情况,所以装个dr elephant看看。LinkIn开源的系统,可以对基于yarn的mr和spark作业进行性能分析和调优建议。

DRE大部分基于java开发,spark监控部分使用scala开发,使用play堆栈式框架。这是一个类似Python里面Django的框架,基于java?scala?没太细了解,直接下来就能用,需要java1.8以上。 Continue reading Hadoop监控分析工具Dr.Elephant



首先,对方已经做好了Hive访问HBase,所以spark-sql原则上可以通过调用Hive的元数据来访问Hbase。但是执行极慢,而且日志无报错。中间都是邮件沟通,先问了几个问题,是否启用了Kerberos,是否Hive访问Hbase正常,HBase shell访问数据是否正常等等,回答说没有用Kerberos,Hive访问Hbase正常,spark-sql读取Hive元数据也正常,Hbase shell也正常,就是spark-sql跑不了。 Continue reading Hadoop运维记录系列(十七)