Since I live in China, the Great Fire Wall is almost blocked every thing on this planet, so I have to find lots of ladders to over the wall to find some useful things. Freegate, Lvdou, and shadow socks. Chinese people lives in tragedy everyday.

Now I’m tring Shadowsocks, it’s a simple tool to find the outside world. Several months ago, I bought a cloud server that located in USA west of Aliyun to build Bigtop of apache. Now I will start this server as a shadow socks server.

# pip install shadowsocks

And then edit a file named shadows,json in any directory, content like this:


Save and exit and run

# ssserver -c shadows.json -d start

On android I can install shadowsocks thru goople app market; on ubuntu doing this

# sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hzwhuang/ss-qt5
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install shadowsocks-qt5

and then see the better world.



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