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DS means Data Scientist? NO!

These “Data Scientist” in our dear first party, can hold all my jokes of this year. (Update at any time) DS: Why my spark job takes so much time? Me: ? DS: Me: No, It’s a resident [...]

jupyterlab and pyspark2 integration in 1 minute

As we use CDH 5.14.0 on our hadoop cluster, the highest spark version to be support is 2.1.3, so this blog is to record the procedure of how I install pyspark-2.1.3 and integrate it with jupyter-lab. [...]


以下内容适合有一定网络及梯子搭建经验的人士阅读。 准备工作:Vultr美服主机一台,以下简称HAA,创建时选择同时支持IPv6和v4,最低价到20181212为止是3.5刀,选择位置靠近西海岸,Seattle,LA,均可,速度会比较好,自家网络测试觉得硅谷速度一般。 Vultr 欧服Paris,Amsterdam,Frankfurt均可,数量自定,选择IPv6 only,价格2.5刀[...]

Kerberos Master/Slave HA configuration

Since we only have one KDC on our cluster, it will be an SPOF (Single Point of Failure), so I have to create a Master/Slave KDC to avoid this problem. There would be some steps to convert SP to HA. De[...]

Enable HTTPS access in Zeppelin

I was using certified key file to enable HTTPS, if you use self-signatured key, see second part First part: I had got two files which one is  the private key named server.key and another one is certif[...]

How to use cloudera parcels manually

Cloudera Parcel is actually a compressed file format, it just a tgz file with some meta info, so we can simply untar it with command tar zxf xxx.parcel. So we have the capability to  extract multi ver[...]

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